Submit a local group/charity
Alexandria Town Community Submit Form

Submit a local group/charity

All groups and charities are essential to this website and significant for the Alexandria community. We want to publicise all groups on this website, whether walking, cycling or any local group. Also, if you are a charity and want coverage on this website and cover the Alexandria area, please submit the event details. If you would instead email these details to us, please email

Upload a photo for the Organisation, Charity or Local Group and also the logo. If you have problems uploading images, please email them to and submit the rest of the form. Please add the Organisation, Charity or Local Group title in the email subject line so we know what story the images are for.

If uploading from the phone, make sure you select the medium size of the photo and NOT the original, as this size will be too large to upload. Please keep file sizes under 2Mb. Any issues, please contact us at

Image File extensions for the images should be either png, jpg or jpeg. Sorry no PDF's can be sent.

Please upload your logo for Organisation, Charity or Local Group, if you have one

Please upload a photo for your Organisation, Charity or Local Group.